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Travel Tips, All Categories, Travel Adrienne Gonzalez Travel Tips, All Categories, Travel Adrienne Gonzalez

Questions to Ask Before Traveling with Other People

If you’re planning on traveling with other people, I would suggest asking some important questions before making the trip. From personal experience, not asking the right questions of your travel buddies can lead to frustration and ruined relationship. To help you get started, I’ve come up with some things to consider before traveling with other people.

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Travel Tips, All Categories, Career, Travel Adrienne Gonzalez Travel Tips, All Categories, Career, Travel Adrienne Gonzalez

How to Travel More While Working Full Time

So, you dream of traveling more often but cannot figure out how to make your travel dreams become reality because you work full time? Being able to travel and working full time are often seen as two things that are mutually exclusive; you can either work full time or you can travel full time, but the truth is…it is possible to do both.

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Being Body Confident During a Beach Vacation

With beach vacations, comes swimwear and lots of exposed skin. Although most of us may love the beach, we may not always feel comfortable showing off our bodies. It doesn’t always have to be about being uncomfortable with the physical condition of your body either, sometimes modesty can also affect your ability to be your most confident self when soaking up the sun. So, how do you go about being body confident during a beach vacation?

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Travel Tips, All Categories, Travel Adrienne Gonzalez Travel Tips, All Categories, Travel Adrienne Gonzalez

Satisfy Your Wanderlust When You Can’t Travel

As a travel lover, it’s easy to get consumed in the excitement of exploring new destinations. The sites, food, and unfamiliar culture satisfies our desire to hop on a plane or in a car and head from place to place. But, what happens when life puts a pause on your travel dreams? How exactly do you satisfy your wanderlust when you can’t travel at all?

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